
March 31, 2014

2011 is not 1968: An open letter from Egypt

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 9:57 am

by Philip Rizk

 not 1968 – PDF

On the morning of January 25, 2014 as people trickle into Tahrir Square, it is once again important to realize where we point our gaze to understand a bit of what is taking place in Egypt. A discourse of terror has scared many into supporting with blind faith a military leader who claims to be able to re-instate the good old days of stability. This discourse of fear also has the opposite effect and across the population there are those who are not falling for the terror trap.


February 28, 2014

Quando il nemico parla chiaro

Filed under: italiano,original — translationcollective @ 4:59 pm
Quattro brevi testi sugli ultimi arresti NO TAV:
1 - Quando il nemico parla chiaro
2 - Il mondo che lorsignori vorrebbero
3 - Lettera di Nicco, Claudio e Mattia
4 - Appello per una giornata di mobilitazione nazionale

Quando il nemico parla chiaro

Era nell’aria, l’operazione che il 9 dicembre ha portato all’arresto di tre compagni e una compagna, accusati di aver partecipato, nella notte tra il 13 e il 14 maggio scorso, all’azione contro il cantiere del Tav di Chiomonte. Non si sapeva naturalmente chi sarebbe stato colpito, né precisamente per cosa. Ma il ritornello ripetuto ossessivamente negli ultimi mesi un po’ su tutti i media nazionali, dai più noti esponenti del trasversale Partito del Tav, non lasciava spazio a molti dubbi. Ai più attenti non era poi sfuggito l’annuncio del procuratore capo Caselli di anticipare di qualche mese la data del proprio pensionamento. Una notizia che non lasciava certo presagire nulla di buono: difficile supporre che un simile personaggio abbandoni le scene in silenzio.


January 6, 2014

Eine zweigleisige Strategie: Ein Brief zur Diskussion über Aufstandsbekämpfung

Filed under: deutsch,original — translationcollective @ 6:00 pm

Die von der Freitagsdiskussion, Januar 2013

aufstandsbekämpfung – PDF

Werte MitstreiterInnen,

Wir ergreifen hiermit die Gelegenheit, einige Fragen aufzugreifen, die im Zuge der Diskussionen zu Aufstandsbekämpfung auf dem GÜZ-Camp1 aufkamen. Zunächst wird es um das Funktionalisieren von Opfern gehen – wir möchten euch dazu einen sehr aufschlussreichen Text zum Krieg in Darfur vorstellen, der als eine Art Blaupause von Legitimierungsstrategien im Krieg gegen den Terror gelesen werden kann. Außerdem werden wir über kollektive Erinnerung reden, um das von uns geteilte Wissen über diejenigen, die sich zu unseren Feinden erheben, um ihre sich wandelnden und doch gleichzeitig altbekannten Strategien – sowie die sich ebenfalls wandelnde Wahrnehmung derselben unsererseits, die zu unterschiedlichen Einschätzungen und Konsequenzen führt. Über den einzelnen Aspekten dieses Briefes schwebt die Frage, die ein Genosse gleich zu Beginn der Freitags-Debatte an uns richtete: „Und was wollt ihr nun von UNS?“ Wir nehmen diese Frage gern auf, zeigt sie doch, dass es uns trotz aller Holprigkeit des Vortrags gelungen ist, das ins Zentrum der Betrachtung zu stellen, was unserer Ansicht nach einer der Knackpunkte ist, wenn wir den Krieg wirklich aufhalten wollen:

Eine zweigleisige Strategie zu entwickeln und durchzuhalten, die gleichzeitig mit dem Versuch, den laufenden Krieg in seiner objektiv schrecklichen Existenz zu verstehen und anzugreifen immer von unserem höchstpersönlichen wie kollektiven Leben in Kriegszeiten ausgeht. Für eine realistische Einschätzung unser Handlungsmöglichkeiten halten wir es für nötig anerkennen, was wir uns nicht ausgesucht haben: Dass wir uns überall auf der Welt im Kriegszustand befinden, auch wenn die internationale Arbeitsteilung das Leid ungleich verteilt. Dies anzuerkennen ist nicht zu verwechseln mit einem selbstgefälligen Ja zum Krieg, mit kämpferischem Pathos, der sich zwar weniger hilflos anfühlt, aber nichts desto trotz steckenbleibt in einem im Wortsinne verkehrten Verständnis unserer Situation, einer Verwechslung der Orte, an denen in unserem Leben Macht und Ohnmacht zu finden sind. Grob gesagt kann es den Herrschenden scheißegal sein, welcher Allmachtsfantasie wir uns hingeben, ob wir uns in der Pose weiser Friedenspropheten oder nihilistischer Endzeitkrieger besser gefallen. Beide erfüllen die Funktion, unseren Wunsch nach Selbstbestimmung in unerreichbare Sphären zu entrücken, während wir im Alltag bereits den kleinsten Veränderungen wie ohnmächtig gegenüberstehen.


December 31, 2013

Comunicado del Comité Clandestino Revolutionario Indígena

Filed under: espanol,original — translationcollective @ 10:38 pm

Comandancia General del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, México – 30 de diciembre del 2012

feliz cumpleaños ezln – PDF














December 18, 2013

Is the Egyptian Revolution Dead?

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 8:33 am

 by  Philip Rizk

egypt revolution – PDF

The short answer is “No.” A longer answer follows. What happened in Egypt between 30 June and 3 July was not a coup against an elected government. It was another attempt by the generals to co-opt Egypt’s January 25 Revolution. The situation’s complexity and its globally and ideologically charged nature makes it hard to see the forest for the trees, here is my view on why the revolution is far from over:


November 27, 2013

Plötzlich plappern Anna und Arthur

Filed under: deutsch,original — translationcollective @ 6:36 pm

facebook – PDF

Seit Jahren betreiben wir Server und Kommunikationsdienste für linke Gruppen, geben wir uns alle Mühe, die Server sicher zu halten, wehren wir – mit unterschiedlichen Mitteln – Anfragen von Behörden zu irgendwelchen Daten ab. Kurz: Wir versuchen im kapitalistischen Internet eine emanzipatorische Basis der Kommunikation zu bieten. Seitdem auch viele Linke Facebook „nutzen“ (oder Facebook viele Linke nutzt), sind wir jedoch verunsichert: Vielen scheint es nun nicht mehr darum zu gehen, einerseits das Internet als Ressource für linke Kämpfe zu nutzen, andererseits aber das Internet selbst als politisch umkämpftes Terrain zu verstehen und sich in diesem Kampf dazu zu verhalten. Vielmehr wird unsere politische Arbeit selbst als defizitär und anstrengend wahrgenommen. Verschlüsselte Kommunikation mit autonomen Servern scheint nicht als emanzipativ, sondern als lästig angesehen zu werden.


June 21, 2013

The Revolutionary Communalism of the Black Panther Party

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 8:54 pm

Speech at Boston College, 18 November 1970

intercommunalism – PDF

Power to the people, brothers and sisters. I would like to thank you for my presence here tonight because you are responsible for it. I would be in a maximum-security penitentiary if it were not for the power of the people.

[Huey P. Newton] Chairman, for Ericka Huggins, for Angela Davis, for the New York 21 and the Soledad Brothers. For all political prisoners and prisoners of war. On the 28th and 29th of November we will have a People’s Revolutionary Constitutional convention in Washington, D.C. We cannot have that convention if the people do not come. After all, the people are the makers of world history and responsible for everything.

How can we have a convention if we have no people? Some believe a people’s convention is possible without the people being there. As I recall, that was the case in 1777.

Tonight, I would like to outline for you the Black Panther Party’s program and explain how we arrived at our ideological position and why we feel it necessary to institute a Ten-Point Program. A Ten-Point Program is not revolutionary in itself, nor is it reformist. It is a survival program.


May 31, 2013

Hello – a greeting from nowhere

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 9:41 pm

hello – PDF

Proposition 1

It is impossible to be everything we are supposed to be and to do everything we are ordered to, and when we try the failure we are doomed to is neither interesting nor enjoyable. To take the path of breaking with everything is the only worthwhile end, even if it is hopeless.

Everything is what is ordinary. It is hard to find a glimmer of anything alse in life, anything that would suggest an Outside. Everything is the way that things are organized, but it is also a command. An order to do and to be. Everything is ordinary in the sense that everything is ordered. And Everything is ordinary in the sense that everything tends to act as an order.

The order is that you must be Everything. So you fail at everything. You endlessly work towards he monstrous goal of accomplishing everything.

You will never get there.

We will never get there, and yet we are still here, still doing and being. Still ordered: organized and ordered around; organizing and ordering others around. That is all that Everything seemes to be.


May 19, 2013

Square and Circle: The Logic of Occupy

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 1:42 pm

by Jasper Bernes

square & circle – PDF

Why Occupy? This is the question I want to answer in what follows. I ask, in this regard, not just about the tactical or strategic benefit of the outdoor occupation, but about the causality of the Occupy phenomenon in its entirety. Why did it arise at this particular moment and not some other moment, in this particular form and not some other form? Why did the occupations unfold in the way they did? Who took part and why?


First off, the question of timing. Why now? Or rather, to put it in more pointed terms, since the economic crisis has ushered in a newly volatile and riotous age, why did it take so long?


April 20, 2013

Les hors-là, ces pirates du Commun

Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 10:42 am

pirates – PDF

« Puisque, dans l’Antiquité, il etait impossible à des êtres humains de survivre en mer s’ils ne revenaient pas assez souvent sur terre, ceux qui passaient cette ligne à cette époque ne le faisaient pas une seul fois mais de façon répétée. Ils vivaient en traversantla frontière mouvante que les juristes romains avaient systématiquement délimitée à tous les sens du terme. Quand ces voyageurs des mers emportaient des biens à bord de leurs vaisseaux, ile les transféraientdu champ juridique où l’on pouvait les attribuer légitimement à leurs maîtres à un autre domaine où, de droit, les revendicationsde propriété devaient cesser. Ils transportaient les objets, à cet égard, de la région où on pouvait les dire “dans notre patrimoine” à celle où ils étaient à l’extérieur (extra patrimonium) : une dimension maritime qui ignorait la propriété ».

Daniel Heller-Roazen – L’ennemi de tous: le pirate contre les nations

Occuper, bloquer, détourner, récupérer, envahir, se confronter, faire disjoncter, se faire pirate…

Des actes hors-la-loi, diront certains.

Des actes hors-là, dirons-nous.

Des actes qui inquiètent la limite de la souveraineté politique : son «là». Agir là où le pouvoir politique légitime sa violence sous couvert de légalité. Ce «là» indique le lieu d’une conflictualité, celle d’une résistance à l’extension généralisée du régime de gouvernance biopolitique comme processus de domestication du mondedans l’économie.

Cette résistance indique le lieu d’un dehors, d’un hors-là. Elle manifeste le seuil à partir duquel peut s’ouvrir un nouvel espace du politique. Derrière la multiplicité d’actes hors-là qui prolifèrent sporadiquement dans ‘espace public et privé, occassionantautant de trouéesdans le tissue économique, se profile la ligne d’un geste politique.


April 6, 2013

الشعب يريد إسقاط النظام / النداء الإجتماعي العالمي

Filed under: original,العربية — translationcollective @ 10:22 am
هيئات العمل الثوري / حركة عصيا

النداء الإجتماعي العالمي – PDF

يا أحرار العالم

إذ ينعقد بتونس خلال شهر مارس 2013 المنتدى الاجتماعي العالمي فإنّنا نعتبر أنّ المقاربة الإصلاحيّة الليبراليّة للبيروقراطيّة المدنيّة منها والنقابيّة المتنفّذة داخل المنتدى لن تبلور موقف وخطّة عمل ثوريّة لأحرار العالم، فإنّها تعتبر أنّ هذه المناسبة فرصة لإلتقاء ثوريين من مختلف المشارب من أجل وضع برنامج عمل ثوري عالمي يمكنه التصدّي لهيمنة رأس المال والعمل على القضاء عليه.

يلتئم المنتدى في وقت يهتزّ فيه العالم تحت وقع المظاهرات، والإضرابات، والإعتصامات والانتفاضات العارمة، من بلدان الشرق إلى بلدان الغرب، من الدول المسماة ديمقراطية الى الدول الديكتاتورية، من اسبانيا الى مصر، ومن اليونان إلى تونس، فما سر هذا الحريق الثوري الذي يكتسح العالم وترتعد لوقعه فرائص الرأسماليّة وأنظمتها السياسية الحاكمة؟

لم تعد الأزمة الاقتصادية سرا يتداوله “الخبراء” ومحترفو التحاليل. وحتى رجال السياسة سواء كانوا في السلطة أم في المعارضة يعترفون صراحة بأنهم لا يملكون “عصا سحرية” لإنهاء كل هذه الفوضى والإختلالات، أو للحد من تفاقم البطالة والفقر وسوء التغذية والأمراض والتلوث…. وكل ما أصبحنا نسمعه في وسائل التدجين الاعلامي هو تعدّد الدعوات المشبوهة للتضحية والصبر والتقشّف وربط الأحزمة وانتظار الحلول التي لا تأتي.والحقيقة أنّ الرأسماليّة شهدت تطوّرات كبيرة زعزعت العديد من الثوابت ومن طرق بسط هيمنتها على كلّ بقاع العالم وإنتاج الخراب أينما مرّت


March 27, 2013

Insurrection vs. Organization: Reflections from Greece on a Pointless Schism

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 8:02 pm

by Peter Gelderloos

insurrection vs. organization – PDF

January 16, 2013

From politics to life: Ridding anarchy of the leftist millstone

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 1:50 pm

by Wolfi Landstreicher

from politics to life – PDF

From the time anarchism was first defined as a distinct radical movement it has been associated with the left, but the association has always been uneasy. Leftists who were in a position of authority (including those who called themselves anarchists, like the leaders of the CNT and the FAI in Spain in 1936-37) found the anarchist aim of the total transformation of life and the consequent principle that the ends should already exist in the means of struggle to be a hindrance to their political programs. Real insurgence always burst far beyond any political program, and the most coherent anarchists saw the realization of their dreams precisely in this unknown place beyond. Yet, time after time, when the fires of insurrection cooled (and even occasionally, as in Spain in 1936-37, while they still burnt brightly), leading anarchists would take their place again as “the conscience of the left”. But if the expansiveness of anarchist dreams and the principles that it implies have been a hindrance to the political schemes of the left, these schemes have been a far greater millstone around the neck of the anarchist movement, weighing it down with the “realism” that cannot dream.


July 7, 2012

Krieg beginnt hier

Filed under: deutsch,original — translationcollective @ 8:08 pm

krieg beginnt hier – PDF

Feind hinterm Fenster. Deckung, orientieren, Schuss. Blitzschnell informiert der Laser-Duellsimulator die Kämpfenden, wer getroffen hat und wer getroffen wurde, wer weiterübt und wer liegenbleibt in der Steppe Sachsen-Anhalts. Das deutsche Heer und Soldaten praktisch aller Nato-Armeen trainieren im GÜZ-Altmark, wie ein Dorf in Afghanistan, im Kosovo oder – einer Einschätzung der Nato über künftige Kriege folgend – eine beliebige Stadt der Erde überfallen und besetzt werden kann. Und so beginnt 2012 auf dem GÜZ der Bau einer Stadt mit 500 Gebäuden, Flughafen und U-Bahn, zum Üben des Krieges in Wohnsiedlungen, Altstadtbezirken, Slums, Industriegebieten und Einkaufsmeilen.

Internationales antimilitaristisches Camp – 12.-17. September 2012 am GÜZ Altmark – Diskussionen und Aktionen gegen das Gefechtsübungszentrum von Bundeswehr und Nato


June 13, 2012

For the insurrection to succeed, we must first destroy ourselves

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 9:20 am

by Alex Trocchi

self destruct – PDF

  • A theory of social war
  • The limits of the anarchist identity
  • The last chance to save the insurrection in greece

taken from the book revolt and crisis in greece – between a present yet to pass and a future still to come

June 4, 2012

L’hypothèse cybernétique

Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 11:30 am

pas tiqqun

cybernetique – PDF

February 21, 2012

Der Kampf gegen den Atomstaat

Filed under: deutsch,original — translationcollective @ 9:11 pm

von AG Grauwacke

In drei Kapiteln erzählt das Buch “Autonome in Bewegung” die Geschichte der Anti-Atom-Bewegung in der BRD aus autonomer Perspektive

I. Ende der 70er: “Der Bauplatz muss zur Wiese werden!”

Wie alles anfing: Die erste Bewegungsphase 1973 bis 1977

In enger Abstimmung mit den großen Energieversorgungsunternehmen und mit dem Siemens-Konzern beschleunigt die SPD-Bundesregierung Anfang der 70er Jahre den Ausbau des westdeutschen Atomprogramms. Die “Ölkrise” 1973/74 ist der propagandistisch willkommene Anlass für Kanzler Schmidt und Forschungsminister Matthöfer, mit Milliardensubventionen die Entwicklung des modernen 1300 Megawatt-Druckwasserreaktors noch massiver zu fördern. Das Atomprogramm soll die BRD in der Energieversorgung autark machen. Unabhängiger von Rohstoffen wie Öl, welches dummerweise in einer Region sprudelt, auf die man nur begrenzten Zugriff hat und deren Entscheidungsträger sich erdreisten, diesen Rohstoff nicht so billig abzugeben wie andere Güter des Trikonts, der “Dritten Welt”. Aber auch unabhängiger von Energieträgern wie Kohle, die in den Augen der Herrschenden den Nachteil hat, dass viele Arbeiter nötig sind, um sie zu fördern. Arbeiter sind ein potentieller Unruhefaktor, den es auszuschalten gilt durch eine Form von Energiegewinnung, die weniger arbeitsintensiv ist.

Der Widerstand gegen die Atompolitik von Regierung und Konzernen entwickelt sich lange vor dem Auftreten der “Autonomen”. Die erste spektakuläre Widerstandsaktion ist 1974/75 die Bauplatzbesetzung gegen das geplante Atomkraftwerk Whyl am Rande des Kaiserstuhls (Baden-Württemberg). Ist Whyl noch ein eher regionaler Konflikt, so werden die ersten Demonstrationen in Brokdorf, 60 Kilometer nordwestlich von Hamburg an der Elbe gelegen, im Herbst 1976 zur Geburtsstunde der bundesweiten Anti-AKW-Bewegung. Der ländliche, bäuerliche Konflikt vor Ort bleibt im Gegensatz zu Whyl relativ schwach. Dafür treten die wie Pilze aus dem Boden schießenden großstädtischen Bürgerinitiativen aus Hamburg, Hannover, Bremen und Göttingen auf den Plan.


January 24, 2012

Solidarity Statement From Cairo

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 12:37 pm

by Comrades from Cairo

To all those in the United States currently occupying parks, squares and other spaces, your comrades in Cairo are watching you in solidarity. Having received so much advice from you about transitioning to democracy, we thought it’s our turn to pass on some advice.

Indeed, we are now in many ways involved in the same struggle. What most pundits call “The Arab Spring” has its roots in the demonstrations, riots, strikes and occupations taking place all around the world, its foundations lie in years-long struggles by people and popular movements. The moment that we find ourselves in is nothing new, as we in Egypt and others have been fighting against systems of repression, disenfranchisement and the unchecked ravages of global capitalism (yes, we said it, capitalism): a System that has made a world that is dangerous and cruel to its inhabitants. As the interests of government increasingly cater to the interests and comforts of private, transnational capital, our cities and homes have become progressively more abstract and violent places, subject to the casual ravages of the next economic development or urban renewal scheme.


March 31, 2011

Communiqué from an Absent Future

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 6:49 pm

Research and Destroy

absent future – PDF


Like the society to which it has played the faithful servant, the university is bankrupt.  This bankruptcy is not only financial.  It is the index of a more fundamental insolvency, one both political and economic, which has been a long time in the making.  No one knows what the university is for anymore.  We feel this intuitively.  Gone is the old project of creating a cultured and educated citizenry; gone, too, the special advantage the degree-holder once held on the job market.  These are now fantasies, spectral residues that cling to the poorly maintained halls.

Incongruous architecture, the ghosts of vanished ideals, the vista of a dead future: these are the remains of the university.  Among these remains, most of us are little more than a collection of querulous habits and duties.  We go through the motions of our tests and assignments with a kind of thoughtless and immutable obedience propped up by subvocalized resentments.  Nothing is interesting, nothing can make itself felt.  The world-historical with its pageant of catastrophe is no more real than the windows in which it appears.


March 28, 2011


Filed under: original,日本語 — translationcollective @ 8:51 pm


すべての働く者たちへ – PDF

I can’t cope OH OH I can’t cope , Anymore ……




Filed under: original,日本語 — translationcollective @ 8:34 pm





1. 民衆の立場から被災地への支援体制をつくりだすこと

2. 被災地から避難されてきた方々を支援し、ともに闘うこと

3. この地震による諸影響によって生み出されることが必至である新たな難民たちを支援し、ともに闘うこと


誰も殺すな 福島原発事故に関する声明 —グスコーブドリのいないイーハトーヴはいらない

Filed under: original,日本語 — translationcollective @ 7:34 pm






March 20, 2011

Quelques précisions venues de Libye

Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 6:38 pm


Nous comprenons à quel point il doit être compliqué, depuis la France, de se figurer ce qu’est la situation ici. On ne s’imagine peut-être pas ces jeunes inexpérimentés se jetant, sans armes, à l’assaut d’une route pilonnée par l’artillerie. Ou qu’une discussion « politique » ce puisse être  discuter posément la réalité du « complot judéo-maçonnique » avec un étudiant instruit et curieux. La révolution libyenne n’est certainement pas celle que l’on croit.


Théorie du Bloom

Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 4:55 pm


bloom – PDF

March 13, 2011

Expulsion de la Place Tahrir

Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 9:35 pm

Un article trouvé sur le blog “En route! Nouvelles de l’insurrection libyenne…”

Nous avons peu de nouvelles de Libye depuis hier. Nous savons seulement que sur le front, dans la nuit du 8 au 9 mars des combats ont eu lieu aux portes de Ras Lanuf. Beaucoup d’insurgés avaient quitté la ville, croyant en sa prise prochaine par les forces de Kadhafi. […] Nous profitons de ce manque d’informations venant de Libye, pour publier un article que des amis présents en Egypte (au Caire) nous ont envoyé. Cela concerne l’expulsion de la place Tahrir (qui était toujours occupée depuis fin janvier). Expulsion dont les médias occidentaux ont très peu parlé ; et pour cause, il ne semblait pas y avoir de journalistes sur place.

Expulsion de la Place Tahrir

Sur la place Tahrir, au Caire, le terre-plein central est encore occupé par des dizaine de tentes. Ce village est clôturé et l’entrée est gardée par ses occupants. Quiconque veut rentrer doit pouvoir attester qu’il n’est ni un policier, ni un habitant d’un quartier hostile à l’occupation, et en aucun cas malveillant. Depuis quelques jours, beaucoup de flics en civil, envoyés par le gouvernement, tentent de discréditer les irréductibles occupants de la place Tahrir en propageant rumeurs, confusions et calomnies sur ce qui se passe ici.


March 11, 2011

For America to Live, Europe Must Die

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 5:56 pm

Russell Means

europe must die – PDF

The following speech was given by Russell Means in July 1980, before several thousand people who had assembled from all over the world for the Black Hills International Survival Gathering.

The only possible opening for a statement of this kind is that I detest writing. The process itself epitomizes the European concept of “legitimate” thinking; what is written has an importance that is denied the spoken. My culture, the Lakota culture, has an oral tradition, so I ordinarily reject writing. It is one of the white world’s ways of destroying the cultures of non-European peoples, the imposing of an abstraction over the spoken relationship of a people.

So what you read here is not what I’ve written. It’s what I’ve said and someone else has written down. I will allow this because it seems that the only way to communicate with the white world is through the dead, dry leaves of a book. I don’t really care whether my words reach whites or not. They have already demonstrated through their history that they cannot hear, cannot see; they can only read (of course, there are exceptions, but the exceptions only prove the rule). I’m more concerned with American Indian people, students and others, who have begun to be absorbed into the white world through universities and other institutions. But even then it’s a marginal sort of concern. It’s very possible to grow into a red face with a white mind; and if that’s a person’s individual choice, so be it, but I have no use for them. This is part of the process of cultural genocide being waged by Europeans against American Indian peoples’ today. My concern is with those American Indians who choose to resist this genocide, but who may be confused as to how to proceed.


Was nicht passt, wird passend gemacht!

Filed under: deutsch,original — translationcollective @ 4:22 pm

Auswertung der Akten “militante Kampagne gegen G8” – (Aktenzeichen 2 BJs 10/06-2) – Oktober 2007

129a – G8 2007 – PDF

March 8, 2011

Ceci n’est pas un programme

Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 12:49 pm


programme – PDF

Insurrectionary Anarchy – Organising for Attack!

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 12:33 pm

insurrectionary anarchy – PDF

March 6, 2011


Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 12:42 pm

Une proposition politique des mis en examen de Tarnac

“Printemps des peuples arabes”, “révolution en marche”, “transition démocratique”, “fin de la dictature”. Les grandes machines discursives sont de sortie. Il n’en faut pas moins pour parvenir à présenter le renversement des régimes pro-occidentaux du Maghreb comme de nouvelles victoires de l’Occident, et le triomphe inespéré de ses valeurs.

La fièvre révolutionnaire qui s’est récemment emparée des plus prudents éditorialistes témoigne d’abord de l’intense réaction immunitaire à quoi l’événement accule le discours dominant. On répond par un violent accès d’orientalisme à la nécessité de disposer, au plus vite, entre nous et les bouleversements en cours, un solide cordon sanitaire. On s’émerveille de ces “révolutions” pour mieux esquiver les évidences qu’elles nous jettent au visage pour mieux dissoudre le trouble qu’elles suscitent en nous.

Faut-il qu’elles soient précieuses, les illusions qu’il s’agit d’ainsi préserver, pour que l’on se répande partout en pareilles apologies de l’insurrection, pour que l’on décerne la palme de la non-violence à un mouvement qui a brûlé 60% des commissariats égyptiens. Quelle heureuse surprise de soudain découvrir que les principales chaînes d’information sont entre les mains des amis du peuple !


February 14, 2011

Les voyages de Prométhée

Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 8:06 pm

par quelques amis de Prométhée

prométhée – PDF

A propos de la guerre sociale en Grèce et la fin d’un ici et d’un là-bas

Le miroir de la paix sociale commence à se fissurer. La date limite de conservation de l’État-providence à l’européenne semble dépassée et l’une après l’autre, les classes politiques nationales en prennent acte. Tandis que dans certains pays les bases juridiques pour ce tournant ont déjà été posées dans les parlements dans une relative tranquillité, les hostilités en Grèce ont pris une ampleur inattendue. Même si cette conflictualité pourrait être placée dans la continuité de mouvements sociaux contre le démantèlement de l’«État social» auxquels nous sommes habitués, elle tend à prendre un caractère considérablement différent. Un accord avec l’État dans la logique de l’ancien pacte social paraît de plus en plus improbable, car il n’existe plus les bases économiques, politiques et sociales pour cela. Nous sommes donc face à une nouvelle donne. Habitués à mener des luttes visant à briser la pacification sociale et le consensus autour, nous pourrions être rapidement confrontés avec une nouvelle forme de gestion qui tend plutôt à instaurer un climat de guerre. C’est pourquoi il est d’autant plus nécessaire de développer des nouvelles perspectives, de nous risquer à formuler quelque nouvelle hypothèse pour la guerre sociale.


February 12, 2011

The Revolution in Egypt: The End of the New Pharaohs?

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 3:41 pm

by a dissident exiled in North Africa – with assistance from the CrimethInc. Workers’ Collective

Egypt Today, Tomorrow the World

North Africa is in revolt. As usual, the most striking thing is how familiar everything is: the young man with the prestigious degree working at a coffee shop, the unemployment and bitterness, the protests set off by police brutality—for police are to the unemployed what bosses are to workers. These details cue us in that what is happening in Egypt is not part of another world, but very much part of our own. There are no exotic overseas revolutions in the 21st century. Make no mistake—though these events dwarf the riots in Greece and the student movement in England, they spring from the same source. To keep up with events, we urge you to read and But for these uprisings to offer any hope, we have to understand ourselves as part of them, and think and act accordingly. To that end, we’ve solicited this analysis from a comrade in North Africa.

The Revolution in Egypt: The End of the New Pharaohs?

Ex-dictator Ben Ali flees in his private jet from crowds chanting for regime change—the hated Egyptian police stations long used for torture in the name of “anti-terrorism” are burned down—men and women armed with kitchen knives organize neighborhood self-defense against the police—the army refuses to fire on their families in the streets.

What is happening—first in Tunisia and now in Egypt—is the beginning of the wave of full-scale revolutions that will inevitably follow the global financial crisis of 2008. Taking place in the wake of the failed “War on Terror,” these revolutions combine the latent force of massive numbers of unemployed youth with the dynamism of modern communication networks. They signal the conclusion of the decade of counter-revolution that followed September 11, 2001. Although they continue the exploration of new technologies and decentralized forms of organization initiated by the anti-globalization movement, the form and scale of these new revolutions is unprecedented. Largely anonymous groups are using the ubiquitous World Wide Web to spark leaderless rebellions against the pharaohs of the global empire of capital.


January 2, 2011


Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 9:55 am

Slogans from a violent central London demonstration on December 9th, 2010 plus a note on a wall slogan by Patrick Cheval

by Dave & Stu’: December 9th, 2010

The violent, inspiring ‘student’ demo in central London on December 9th 2010 was the most imaginative demonstration we have ever been on including the annus mirabalis of 1968. The Trotskyist left were very much pushed aside, even the clued-in but all too reductive ultra-left hardly made a mark, as what was blatantly uppermost everywhere both in a genial, friendly but vandalistically spirited atmosphere and in many a homemade, stuck together, often gloriously-penned, cardboard placard was a kind of open-ended situationist influenced communality; an individual collectivity you knew was just right because it felt right. There was also a fair amount of spray-canned slogans on the base of the statues in Parliament Square: Things like: ‘Demand the Impossible ‘ (very 1968) and ‘First Greece then Paris now London in Insurrection’ followed by ‘ I wish I could say beautiful things but I can’t’ – when they just had and hauntingly!


November 11, 2010

La grève infinie

Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 5:12 pm

grève infinie – PDF

C’est une chose entendue. Le Parti de l’Ordre espère, à toutes forces, nous faire rentrer chez nous. Syndicats et gouvernement auront réussi à s’accorder. Là-dessus, au moins. Ils tablent sans doute sur l’attirance malheureuse qu’aurait pour nous l’insidieux sentiment de vide dans lequel nous avons si parfaitement désappris de vivre, et de lutter. En cela, ils se trompent. Nous ne rentrerons pas chez nous ; nous qui ne nous sentons chez nous nulle part. S’il est bien un seul espace que nous avons aperçu comme habitable, c’est au sein de l’évènement grâce auquel nous vivons, dans les intensités qui s’y dessinent. En fonction, surtout, des moyens que nous saurons nous donner.

C’est une chose entendue. Un processus insurrectionnel se renforce à mesure que les évidences qui, à ses yeux, en composent la réalité, deviennent imperceptiblement, aux yeux de tous, des vérités criantes. Le capitalisme étant un mensonge universel, la forme de sa négation, à l’inverse, sera celle d’une pluralité de mondes, solidairement mêlés aux vérités qui s’y rattachent.


November 3, 2010

Introduction to the Apocalypse

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 12:32 am

apocalypse – PDF

+ + + The apocalypse is upon us + + + The spectacle of Green Capitalism: Of markets and carbon markets + + + Ecological fascism + + +

“The slogan ‘Revolution or Death!” is no longer the lyrical expression of consciousness in revolt: rather it is the last word of the scientific thought of our century. It applies to the perils facing the species as to the inability to of individuals in a society where it is well-known that the suicide rate is on the increase. The experts had to admit, reluctantly, that during May 1968 in France it fell to almost nil. That spring also vouchsafed us a clear sky, and it did so effortlessly, because a few cars were burnt and the shortage of petrol prevented others from polluting the air. When it rains, where there are clouds of smog over Paris, let us never forget that it is the government’s fault. Alienated production makes the smog. Revolution makes the sunshine.”

Guy Debord, A Sick Planet (1971)

The apocalypse is upon us

All of us secretly desire for this world to end. The grand illusion of western civilization has always been the myth of progress, namely that the flow of history would beneficiently and infinitely extend into the future.


October 30, 2010

Premier round : On continue !

Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 7:11 pm

Depuis plus de trois semaines, un mouvement social est en cours dans le pays. La réforme des retraites a été son point de départ.

On se rend bien compte que tout est fait pour rendre l’arme qu’est la grève moins efficace. L’Etat use des outils du droit, entraves légales et réquisitions ; d’autre part l’atomisation, la segmentation issues de la restructuration du capital de ces trentes dernières années tendent à neutraliser la capacité de nuisance de la grève. Les journées de manifestation massive, aux effets alors limités, ont eu ce principal intérêt pour la base de se trouver une légitimité et de pousser et déborder les cadres imposés par les syndicats.


October 24, 2010

L’état et les patrons ne comprennent qu’un seul langage : grève, blocage, sabotage

Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 11:00 am

Communiqué des camarades ayant occupé temporairement l’Opéra Bastille à Paris le samedi dernier.

tract – PDF

Depuis plusieurs jours de multiples initiatives fleurissent partout : blocages de lycées, de gares, de raffineries, d’autoroutes, occupation de bâtiments publics, de lieux de travail, de centres commerciaux ; coupures d’électricité ciblées, saccages de permanences électorales et de mairies… Dans chaque ville, ces actions viennent intensifier le rapport de force et montrer que nombreux sont ceux qui ne se satisfont plus des formes d’actions et des mots d’ordre imposés par les directions syndicales.


October 11, 2010

Sozialrevolutionäres Stadtenwicklungsprogramm. Der Zweijahres-Plan “Stadt übernehmen”

Filed under: deutsch,original — translationcollective @ 9:31 pm

Programmatischer Vorschlag für eine sozialrevolutionäre Perspektive in Berlin. Irrtum inbegriffen

vom Referat für Verbrechensbekämpfung

stadt übernehmen – PDF

Anlass Gentrifizierung ärgert uns. Wir leiden unter steigenden Mieten, schwindendem Lebensraum für uns und andere, meist ärmere Bevölkerungsschichten und unter der Zerstörung unserer gewachsenen sozialen Zusammenhänge und unkontrolliertern, manchmal subversiven Freiräume.


October 9, 2010

La gent ha dit prou.

Filed under: català,original — translationcollective @ 10:20 pm

Les autoritats afirmen que ha estat un grup anti-sistema, joves amb estètica “okupa” …

Doncs no. Hem estat nosaltres…

Aquest nosaltres que les furgonetes de la policia va perseguir histèrica durant hores per la ciutat sense poder trobar-lo. Aquest nosaltres que aplaudia quan es trencaven els vidres del “Corte Inglés”.

Aquest nosaltres que va prendre la paraula a la primera assemblea realitzada al banc expropiat de la plaça Catalunya i va dir: “Tinc gairebé cinquanta anys. Estic en atur des de fa quatre anys després de treballar tota la vida. Estic desesperada però aquesta okupació m’ha tornat el somriure “.


September 24, 2010

contribution aux discussions sur la repression antiterroriste

Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 2:29 pm

Contribution aux discussions antiterroriste – PDF

Ce texte est issu d’un processus de discussions collectives. Loin de se limiter à une critique de la défense publique des « inculpés de Tarnac », il affirme des positions sur les formes de luttes actuelles. Nous pensons continuer ce débat et élargir cette élaboration collective.

September 18, 2010

12.08 – Η εξέγερση του Δεκέμβρη, το Εμπόρευμα και το Θέαμα

Filed under: ελληνικά,original — translationcollective @ 1:37 pm

res gestae

Θεωρώντας ότι σύγχρονος στόχος της Κυριαρχίας είναι η δόμηση του παγκόσμιου Οικονομικού Ιδιωτεύοντος ανθρώπου μέσα από τα επιτεύγματα μιας θεαματικής διαδικασίας πλασμα­τικών διαχωρισμών, κι ότι οι θεσμοί συγκροτούνται μέσα από αυτή τη διαδικασία γι’ αυτόν τον συγκεκριμένο στόχο, επιλέξαμε μια συγκεκριμένη προσέγγιση της αντιθεσμικής δράσης. Το μπλοκάρισμα της κυκλοφορίας των εμπορευμάτων στις ανθρώπινες συνειδήσεις και η κατάργηση των διαχωρισμών κάθε είδους (που σημαίνει και κατάργηση των διαμεσολαβητικών μηχανισμών), έχουν μια ανεκτίμητη δυναμική στο να εισάγουν ανατρεπτικά κριτήρια με αναφορά στην καθημερινότητα και να αποδομήσουν και εκτρέφουν συγκεκριμένες κυριαρχικές επιλογές. Επιπλέον, επιλογή μας σ’ αυτήν την κατεύθυνση της αντιθεσμικής δράσης είναι η απελευθέρωση όλων των δημιουργικών ικανοτήτων στον αντίποδα της “αστικής τέχνης” -όχι μόνο ως μέσο αλλά και ως σκοπός.

Αξιοποιώντας κάθε μας δυνατότητα για την κατάκτηση της ελευθερίας, απελευθερώνουμε και τις ίδιες μας τις δυνατότη­τες.

Αυτά γράψαμε το 2002 προσπαθώντας να αποτυπώσουμε την ταυτότητα και τους προσανατολισμούς μας. Σήμερα, στον απόηχο της εξέγερσης του Δεκέμβρη νιώθουμε την ανάγκη για έναν απολογισμό. Να ξαναδούμε τις μέρες εκείνες μέσα από τη δική μας “συγκεκριμένη προσέγγιση της αντιθεσμικής δράσης”. Να καταγράψουμε τις εκτιμήσεις μας, να θέσουμε ερωτήσεις, να αποπειραθούμε απαντήσεις, να εκτεθούμε… γιατί πρέπει να γράφουμε εμείς γι’ αυτά που εμείς πράττουμε κι όχι άλλοι για μας. Μπορεί η μπροσούρα αυτή να αποτελεί την εισήγηση στο πλαίσιο σχετικών εκδηλώσεων της συλλογικότητάς μας αλλά έχουμε φροντίσει να διατηρεί ταυτόχρονα και την αυταξία της.

Οκτώβρης 2009

αναρχική συλλογικότητα +τεχνία-


September 5, 2010

Dieci pugnalate alla politica

Filed under: italiano,original — translationcollective @ 6:05 pm

La politica è l’arte della separazione. Dove la vita ha perso la sua pienezza, dove il pensiero e l’azione dei singoli sono stati sezionati, catalogati e rinchiusi in sfere staccate — lì comincia la politica. Avendo allontanato alcune attività degli individui (la discussione, il conflitto, la decisione in comune, l’accordo) in una zona a sé che pretende di governare — forte della sua indipendenza — tutte le altre, la politica è allo stesso tempo separazione tra le separazioni e gestione gerarchica della separatezza.


September 2, 2010

Depuis les moyennes montagnes du Limousin

Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 9:22 pm

Durant une semaine, cet été, à Tarnac, 200 personnes se sont réunies. De leurs discussions a émergé, entre autres choses, le communiqué suivant.

Il se lève et dit : « La contre-insurrection n’est pas seulement la doctrine d’intervention des armées occidentales en Afghanistan, c’est la nature même de tout gouvernement. La mise en circulation de tel ou tel « élément de langage », l’urbanisme, la distraction organisée, les fables de l’économie, tout provient de la crainte de perdre le contrôle des populations. » Elle lui répond : « Chez nous, le gouvernement a tellement peur, avec la crise, que les gens commencent à s’organiser par eux-mêmes, qu’il contraint les chômeurs à faire des ateliers de réparation gratuite de vélos dans la rue, à récupérer les objets usagés et à patrouiller avec la police. On occupe le terrain préventivement. »


August 15, 2010

Radiographie d’un régime

Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 11:32 am


Dans le pays où nous sommes nés, il n’y a rien de libéré ni de libre. En Italie comme un peu partout, on est en train d’assister à un « tournant autoritaire » sans précédent qui va impliquer tous les aspects de notre vie. On se trouve face à un appareil de contrôle et de propagande totalitaire et totalisant, un système qui nous écrase et nous paralyse, qui nous rend sourds et aveugles à notre souffrance et à celle des autres, résignés et habitués à la « captivité ». Dans la tragédie, il y aurait paradoxalement encore quelque réconfort à pouvoir affirmer que le cynisme a pris le dessus, mais la réalité est bien pire : ce qui a cours est un processus de déshumanisation des individus, c’est l’antichambre de la barbarie.


Note su vertici e contro-vertici

Filed under: italiano,original — translationcollective @ 11:11 am

alcuni anarchici roveretani

L’illusione di un centro

Il capitalismo è un rapporto sociale e non una cittadella di potenti. È partendo da questa banalità che si può affrontare la questione dei vertici e dei contro-vertici. Rappresentare il dominio capitalista e statale come una sorta di quartier generale (si tratti del G8, del WTO o di qualsiasi altro organismo simile) è funzionale a chi vorrebbe opporre a quel centro direttivo un altro centro: le strutture politiche del cosiddetto movimento, o meglio, i loro portavoce. Insomma, è funzionale a chi propone semplicemente un cambio di personale dirigente. Questa logica, oltre ad essere riformista nell’essenza e nelle finalità, risulta collaborazionista e autoritaria nei metodi, in quanto porta a centralizzare la contestazione.


August 14, 2010

L’insurrection qui vient

Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 12:39 am

Comité Invisible

insurrection qui vient – PDF

May 30, 2010

Colonization and Decolonization

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 4:28 pm

by Zig-Zag



Thoughts about Community Support around Intimate Violence

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 3:22 pm

intimate violence – PDF


May 9, 2010

Eserciti nelle strade – Alcune questioni intorno al rapporto NATO “Urban Operations in the Year 2020″

Filed under: italiano,original — translationcollective @ 5:08 pm

Nelle pieghe oscure del tempo forse non c’è nulla
se non il tocco muto delle nostre dita.
E le nostre azioni.

(John Berger)

Elementi d’algebra: la discarica dell’eccedenza

Per la prima volta nella storia, la maggioranza della popolazione mondiale vive in città [1]. E grandi quote di questa popolazione urbana conoscono condizioni d’assoluta povertà. Il concentramento di queste sterminate masse umane entro spazi sempre più ristretti, al fine di controllarle e sfruttarle meglio [2], ha generalizzato le baraccopoli su tutti i continenti, nessuno escluso, dando luogo a quello ch’è stato definito il “pianeta degli slum”. Secondo il rapporto dell’ONU The Challenge of Slums. Global Report on Human Settlements (2003), attualmente vivono negli slum quasi un miliardo di persone (una ogni sei, se si considera l’intera popolazione mondiale, ovvero un abitante di città su tre) e si ritiene che questo numero possa raddoppiare entro il 2030, talché nello stesso rapporto si parla di una crescente “urbanization of poverty”.


April 28, 2010

Introduction à la Guerre Civile

Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 11:36 am

guerre civile – PDF

par tiqqun


March 21, 2010

Against the Logic of Submission

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 3:14 pm

against the logic – PDF

by Wolfi Landstreicher

Submission to domination is enforced not solely, nor even most significantly, through blatant repression, but rather through subtle manipulations worked into the fabric of everyday social relationships. These manipulations — ingrained in the social fabric not because domination is everywhere and nowhere, but because the institutions of domination create rules, laws, mores and customs that enforce such manipulations — create a logic of submission, an often unconscious tendency to justify resignation and subservience in one’s everyday relations in the world. For this reason, it is necessary for those who are serious about developing an anarchist insurrectional project to confront this tendency wherever it appears — in their lives, their relationships and the ideas and practices of the struggles in which they participate. (more…)

March 15, 2010

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 2:24 pm

by flesh machine // ego te provoco // comrades

During the last two months, the strategy of counterinsurgency developed by the greek state since December has passed to a new phase of totalisation. If we speak of counterinsurgency and not of repression it is because the former in contrast to the latter is not so much a military type intervention, as an integrated political and social technology producing consent, fear and defeatism. It aims not at the immediate annihilation of the insurgents, but at the removal of their living space: the conceptual, affective and cultural plane of the insurgency. (more…)

March 13, 2010


Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 11:22 am

Proposition I

Rien ne manque au triomphe de la civilisation. Ni la terreur politiqué ni la misère affective. Ni la stérilité universelle. Le désert ne peut plus croître : il est partout. Mais il peut encore s’approfondir. Devant l’évidence de la catastrophe, il y a ceux qui s’indignent et ceux qui prennent acte, ceux qui dénoncent et ceux qui s’organisent. Nous sommes du côté de ceux qui s’organisent. (more…)

March 8, 2010

Some notes on Insurrectionary Anarchism

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 1:11 pm

some notes – PDF

Insurrectionary anarchism is not an ideological solution to all social problems, a commodity on the capitalist market of ideologies and opinions, but an on-going praxis aimed at putting an end to the domination of the state and the continuance of capitalism, which requires analysis and discussion to advance. We don’t look to some ideal society or offer an image of utopia for public consumption. Throughout history, most anarchists, except those who believed that society would evolve to the point that it would leave the state behind, have been insurrectionary anarchists. Most simply, this means that the state will not merely wither away, thus anarchists must attack, for waiting is defeat; what is needed is open mutiny and the spreading of subversion among the exploited and excluded. (more…)

February 28, 2010

La gioia armata

Filed under: italiano,original — translationcollective @ 12:08 am

Alfredo M. Bonanno

(A Parigi, nel 1848, la rivoluzione)

fu una vacanza senza principio e senza fine (Bakunin)


Ma perché questi benedetti ragazzi sparano alle gambe di Montanelli? Non sarebbe stato meglio sparargli in bocca? Certo che sarebbe stato meglio. Ma sarebbe stato anche più pesante. Più vendicativo e più cupo. Azzoppare una bestia come quella può anche avere un lato più profondo e significativo, oltre quello della vendetta, della punizione per le responsabilità di Montanelli, fascista e servo dei padroni. Azzopparlo significa costringerlo a claudicare, farglielo ricordare. (more…)

February 27, 2010

20 Tesi sulla sovversione della metropoli

Filed under: italiano,original — translationcollective @ 7:43 pm

plan b bureau

Tesi 1

Definiamo metropoli quell’insieme compatto di territori e di dispositivi eterogenei attraversato in ogni punto da una sintesi disgiuntiva; non vi è alcun punto della metropoli, infatti, in cui allo stesso tempo non sia diano potenzialmente comando e resistenza, dominio e sabotaggio. Un processo antagonistico tra due parti, la cui relazione consiste nell’inimicizia, innerva totalmente la metropoli. (more…)

February 25, 2010

The Harvest of Dead Elephants: The False Opposition of Animal Liberation

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 7:46 pm

dead elephants – PDF

by Aden Marcos

I never met anybody who said when they were a kid, ‘I wanna grow up and be a critic.’ – Richard Pryor

We believe there are some who take action under animal liberation’s very broad banner that are just as concerned as we are with completely transforming this society based on exploitation and misery. However, we find many within radical and anarchist circles acritically embracing animal liberation philosophy and veganism. These ideas have maintained an inertia and perpetuance that have unfortunately met little challenge, especially in North America. We hope this critique will provide some starting points toward greater critical thought and theoretical reflection, tools that will be required of us if we are to take effective action against domination and exploitation. (more…)

Standoff at Ts’Peten

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 5:56 pm

tspeten comix – PDF

by Zig-Zag

In 1995 a month-long standoff occured in ‘British Columbia’ between natives and the police after a local ranger asked the police to evict a sundance camp.  In a firefight on September 11, police fired tens of thousands of rounds and blew up a truck. Although lightly armed, the warriors suceeded in disabling a ‘Bison’ armoured personal carrier used by the police. Like most of B.C., Secmepmec territory remains unceeded. (more…)

The Oka Crisis

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 5:09 pm

oka crisis comix – PDF

by Zig-Zag

During the summer of 1990, a 77-day standoff occured in the mohawk territories of Kahnawake and Kanehsatake/Oka, near Montreal. Mohawk warriors confronted over 2000 Quebec police and 4500 Canadian soldiers…


February 19, 2010

Green Peace // Green Police

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 12:46 pm

This communique was given out by a portion of the Black Bloc during the march to the Bella Centre on Saturday at the protests against the U.N. COP-15. Shortly after releasing this communique, windows of the Danish stock exchange and Foreign Ministry were broken. When the police attempted arrests, the Black Bloc was physically prevented by some members of Climate Justice Action from joining the “System Change Not Climate Change” bloc. While the COP15 is over, the debate over the role of internal policing and the “non-violence” code of Climate Justice Action has just begun in the European autonomous movements. (more…)

February 10, 2010

Diskussionspapier für einen neuen Aufbruch in die Fröste der Freiheit [Erste Fassung]

Filed under: deutsch,original — translationcollective @ 1:03 am

fröste der freiheit – PDF

von der Reformgruppe der Reformgruppe Süd-Ost

Die Zeit der Selbstvergewisserung muss ein Ende haben

Einige empfinden unseren Tonfall möglicherweise als harsch. Das kann er leicht werden, wenn es um geliebte Menschen geht, um diejenigen, mit denen wir in der Vergangenheit eine Menge befreiende Überlegungen angestellt und Wege ausprobiert haben, uns und die Welt zu verändern. Gemeinsame Versuche, die uns, so klein sie auch gewesen sein mögen, mehr als nur am Herzen liegen. Falls die eine oder andere Kritik euch trifft, versucht das im Kopf zu haben und geht nicht gleich in Verteidigungsstellung. Wir wollen weiter miteinander, sonst gäbe es diesen Text nicht. (more…)

February 9, 2010

Autonomous Self-Organization and Anarchist Intervention – A Tension in Practice

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 10:06 am

autoselforg – PDF

by Wolfi Landstreicher

Introduction: A few definitions and explanations

Any potentially liberatory struggle among the exploited and dispossessed must be based on autonomous self-organization. As anarchists, who are also usually among the exploited, we have every reason to participate in and encourage these struggles. But since we have specific ideas of how we want to go about our struggles and a specifically revolutionary aim, our participation takes the form of an intervention seeking to move the struggles in a specific direction. Having no desire to be any sort of vanguard or leadership or to be caught up in the joyless game of politicking, we find ourselves in a tension of trying to live our conception of struggle and freedom within the context of an unfree reality, of trying to confront the real daily problems we face with our own refusal to play by the rules of this world. Thus, the question of autonomous self-organization and anarchist intervention is an ongoing problem with which to grapple, refusing to fall into easy answers and faith in organizational panaceas. (more…)

February 6, 2010

Mise au Point

Filed under: francais,original — translationcollective @ 11:52 pm

mise au point – PDF

par Comité Invisible, Janvier 2009

Tout le monde s’accorde. Ça va péter. On en convient, l’air grave ou crânement, dans les couloirs de l’Assemblée, comme hier on se le répétait au bistrot. On se complaît à l’estimation des risques. Déjà, on détaille par le menu les opérations préventives de quadrillage du territoire. Les festivités de la nouvelle année en prennent un tour décisif. “C’est la dernière année où il y aura des huitres!” Pour que la fête ne soit pas totalement éclipsée par la tradition du désordre, il faut les 36000 flics et les 16 hélicoptères dépêchés par Alliot-Marie, elle qui, lors des manifestations lycéennes de décembre, guettait en tremblant le moindre signe d’une contamination grecque. On entend toujours plus clairement, sous les propos rassurants, le bruit des préparatifs d’une guerre ouverte. Nul ne peut plus ignorer sa mise en œuvre affichée, froide et pragmatique, qui ne prend même plus la peine de se présenter comme une opération de pacification. (more…)

February 4, 2010

Su alcune vecchie questioni d’attualità fra gli anarchici, e non solo

Filed under: italiano,original — translationcollective @ 10:57 pm

Non sono certo un non-violento. Tuttavia posso capire chi odia la violenza al punto da volerla bandire dalla propria vita; chi non ucciderebbe mai, chi non userebbe mai la forza per farsi valere; chi, per carattere e attitudini personali, preferisce non farvi ricorso. Ma tutto ciò lo trovo comprensibile solo se si tratta di una scelta individuale e conseguente. Quando la non-violenza viene presentata come metodo di lotta, quando viene proposta come strada da seguire, quando da etica individuale diventa morale e progetto collettivi, mi sembra davvero una cialtroneria, utile solo come giustificazione all’inazione ed ostacolo a chi si rivolta, valore assoluto da ricordare ai deboli per permettere ai potenti di dimenticarlo con più comodità. Sull’orlo del baratro, col terreno che si fa via via più sdrucciolevole e sotto il fuoco del nemico, l’invito ad usare solo le buone maniere non può che apparire tale. Lo faccia pure chi lo vuole, ma si risparmi le prediche. (more…)

Caught in the Web of Deception – Anarchists and the Media

Filed under: english,original — translationcollective @ 12:12 pm

web of deception – PDF

As long as the present social order exists, it will be impossible to avoid interaction with the various facets of the power structure. Those of us who call ourselves anarchists need to choose to make these interactions clearly adversarial and conflictual, reflecting our desire to destroy the power structure completely. (more…)

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